Welcome to Clean Traits

Nutrition is Key

We specialise in full flavoured healthy clean prep food delivered to your door in Manchester, United Kingdom. 

CLEANTRAITS aims to make your lifestyle balanced with nutrition. Whether you wish to change your health and fitness for the better or maintain a balanced diet. We have the right food for you providing full flavour and attention to detail.


CLEANTRAITS started as a family run business when the director made changes to their diet in 2015 with remarkable results, leading to the passion of offering this service to other people. Proving that you can have a balanced nutritional diet whilst reaching your goals whether you wish to loose weight, build muscle or maintain a healthy lifestyle.

We have different options for you.

We specialise in full flavoured clean prep food. When nutrition plays a major role in health, fitness and physical goal appearances we believe that you can have both flavour and good nutrition. Why settle for dull un full filling food whilst you train or balance a busy lifestyle?

Here at CLEANTRAITS we do the hard work for you enabling you to have more time to train, work or play. Nutritional full flavour meals delivered straight to your door or workplace. 

With the knowledge and qualifications gained from studying Sport Science BSC Hons Degree and Health, Fitness & Exercise foundation degree we have implemented nutritional macro calculated prep meals which range from 328 - 464 calories per box.